Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Storm Surges to the East Coast

Could this be the first HURRICANE of 2010... Alex?
Watch this video forecasting the possibility.... Notice... there is another system behind it and the LOW PRESSURE will createa storm surge...

Hurricane Symbol

notice the 6 and the 9 and the HEXagons?

The toxic gases currently filling the Gulf will eventually slither out into the Atlantic Ocean.... Up the East Coast... As the weather gets hotter more moisture will build in that region.... ESPECIALLY... since the WaTER is GOING to be HOTTER than it's been in THOUSANDS of years... the methane... which is eating the oxygen in the water... IS going to be spread by GIANT Tropical Cyclonic activity... Tropical Storms and their LOW pressure will create HUGE storm surges... The country has been getting DRENCHED for the past year... Thus, the water tables are high. Furthermore, this methane will make it right up to the Arctic Ocean... where it WILL heat the ICE... causing even more runoff and even more water displacement. As you can see in the diagram below... the More solid pollutants will remain largely in the Atlantic... The CorExit9500 "dispersement chemical and methane will evaporate into the atmosphere... Some will rain down and destroy crops and vegetation. And some of the toxic fumes may have chemical reactions with current elements in the atmosphere... add in whatever "chemtrails" are spraying.... and the sky could turn red.

To make things worse... the storm surges that will occur in the USA will mean that most, if not ALL of FLA... will be underwater... It can be expected that the seas may rise anywhere from 1foot to 20feet... within several weeks... months... or years... the false gods know when.

If you live in a dark green area. It would be wise to vacate. The sooner the better... as I mentioned... weeks... months... years... any one of those choices is possible. This is why Denver will be the NEW capitol. But please check all the claims on this site for yourself... FIRST! You MUST research this information for yourself. We NEED to be together on this one and the information MUST be accurate. DO NOT be foolish and shrug this information off. Remember... the red slicks are not OIL... and the "spill" has not stopped... my prediction... it will NOT stop... But don't believe me.... research it yourself...

Mexico will be devistated. There will be a great northern migration... as seen in the murals of the DANver Intl Airport...

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